


Cost-Effective, Green Solution for your Concrete Floors

San Francisco office building gets concrete makeover

Polished concrete serves a number of purposes and is a sustainable flooring design option that uses materials already present in the building. It’s an excellent choice for those looking for durable flooring and want to modernize towards more green solutions.

Building owners and managers love polished concrete because it’s low maintenance, durable, and easier to clean than most flooring options. It’s also perfect for high traffic areas because it has a non-slippery surface. People with allergies like this flooring option because it reduces dust mite and allergen problems and doesn’t support mold growth.

Baker’s Floor and Metal was recently contracted to grind and polish 13,030 square feet of concrete at a large office building in San Francisco. Before we began the project, we taped out the project area and stripped the existing finishes, coatings, and sealers using carefully selected removers and stripping agents. Then, we did the initial cut using metal bond
diamonds at 30 grit and 80 grit. We filled the holes in the concrete and grinded and blended to match the adjacent floor. We cut all corners and edges with dolly grinder power equipment. The main floor was cut using graduating diamond abrasive technology and planetary power floor machines. These machines removed scratches from a 50 grit to 200 grit. We applied two coats of densifier and honed the floor to 200 grit. Finally, we applied two coats of stain protector using a high-speed burnish. This gave the floors its shine.

There are so many great reasons to choose polished concrete as a flooring option. Whether you’re looking for a cost effective, long term solution for your concrete floors, moving towards a greener building, hoping to improve your building’s natural lighting, or just create a smooth surface for a new epoxy top-coat, contact Baker’s Floor and Metal. 

Our experienced concrete grinding and polishing technicians will provide an initial consultation, walk you through the process, and create a flooring surface you’ll love. Give us a call today!

Before Berry Street Concrete Grinding Polishing
After Berry Street Concrete Grinding Polishing